Bucket Ultraspeed About 10 l

Appointment:Bucket for water, and can also be used for storage of consumables and detergents
Sizes:10 liters
10l Bucket Ultraspeed About attached on the back side of the platform and makes it easy to move from odnovremennoi to dvuhjadernyh system cleaning.
In the case of using the bucket as part of dvuhjadernyh system bucket can be installed on either side of the main 25L bucket allows you to wring the water in the middle of the system or the edge. Unique notches on both sides to protect from penetration of water between the buckets in either configuration.
If you need more, you can use a second bucket to transport detergents, consumables, paper, etc. Bucket is easily removed from the platform, allowing you to bring the required supplies in restrooms or other spaces to speed up the cleaning process.